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Thursday, May 3, 2012


Why do people feel the need to start talking to you or texting you, and the first thing out of their mouths is something depressing like "Oh I'm not doing to well" or "I'm depressed". Why do people feel the need to tell me these sort of things when they aren't  doing anything about their own problems!!! Just because  people brake up with their "lover" of two months doesn't mean that the whole entire universe is going to care.Things happen to everyone all the time that is not fair or disappointing, and they just need to pick themselves up and deal with it . If everyone was doing what these bitches are doing; saying that they want  to kill them self because their boyfriend of 3 months Lou the guy who fucks every stanky pussy in the hood broke up with them , then for me it would be a pretty happy place because all these bitches would be in the ground. Do you ever hear the little black babies in Africa complain like people in our culture do? NO these people go through some of the worst things imaginable; being five years old and seeing their parents suffer from AIDS because they were uneducated due to the state or their country and not being able to have the lavish meals that we have, shit these people are lucky to have some damn rice if not a chicken that they traded their Aunt Attie for, these people live in mud shacks with many other people and have to endure abuse by the leaders of their country! What I'm saying is that there are a lot of people in this world who go through unimaginable things that people wouldn't for a second understand. People in this damn society are really pathetic. Shit happens, pick your self up and deal with it. People are lucky to be living in the land we live in, to be eating the food we have, to be wearing the clothes we wear, and to have the extra resources we have. If one more person un genuinely says  that they are super depressed saying they want to kill themselves and it's just for attention then I'm going to be dancing at your funeral and helping you plot ways to kill your self, because you are sucking up my oxygen and soaking up my sun light. It's a true privilege to live the lives that we do , I admit I have acted this way a lot of the times with being depressed with being a tranny. Even though that shit is hard and people don't understand it , a lot of people don't want to understand it. This is fine with me because I don't need you too understand and I'm really not interested enough to take attention to your boring lives. STOP COMPLAINING AND MAKE THE BEST OF IT!!!! I have come along way in doing so and It's possible for you too. Everything happens for a reason in life, and our mistakes, choices, and everything else dictates and leads the path of our life. You break up with your boyfriend for a reason, because it doesn't work and that event leads you too the next event which in some peoples cases leads you to the love of your life. For some unknown reason to me I'm a tranny and I'm still finding out why and where that will take me but I know for sure that it has made me the strong and gorgeous firecracker that I am today. If I wasn't a tranny and didn't go through all the bullying my whole life, then I wouldn't be the person I am now. All of these magnificent haters have made me the beautiful and strong willed girl who always picks herself up when she falls. I just want to thank everyone all for all of their hate , because it has made me me, and instead of ruining me you built me! YOU LOSE :) MWAH BITCHES have a fabulous night and remember to pick yourself up and make the best of a bad situation.


Check out my Avon blog @

                                          Poor Stravin Marvin.

                                          Shut up about your petty problems.
                                        People who do this should get there balls chopped off, shoved up their ass, acid poured over the open wound, and their jaw wired shut.

                       There are people and animals in this world who are suffering worse than any, so please


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