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Monday, September 24, 2012

Rant Rant Rant

First of all , The advertisement agency for my blog, suck my tit. I have date lady boy ads on my blog featuring slutty little Thai trannys. First of all, Lady boy, who the fuck wants to be called that. Second of all, we are not in a brothel selling our bodies for a quarter and a piece of chicken . We are not all Asian either! Some of us are strong black women, and some white. Mostly we are hardworking black women with children to feed. We are grown ass women with some grown ass bills to pay.
     Anyways, How are you all doing? I'm doing great! Haven't written a blog post in a while. Here I am. I'm going to start doing vlogs, but I don't know what the topics will be. I'm sure as hell not going to do my hair like those other bitches. I do find those tutorials helpful though. If you have any suggestions for a vlog, let me know. Really hate the word , vlog. Just a girl here doing her thing;going to school and living life. For once I can't really complain. For the most part I'm enjoying myself. Well, i could complain about some of the stupid people at school and in this world, but I will spare you that novel. What the fuck, Ill go into a little detail. I have a really creepy neighbor at my new apartment. He is like permanently fried from drugs and he's only in his 20's or 30's. I was on the street minding my own business like always. This bitch came up to me and was like "damn girl your pretty", I opened my mouth, introduced my self and there unleashed the monstrous man voice. The guy was like "man ,lady, man, lady, sorry buddy your still cool. man, lady man, lady man lady".
 I was like " I'm a lady". (In my mind, I was like make up your mind what am I)
Him "where did you move from",
Me "down the street",
Him "what street?, why are you living in these apartments, buddy girl?" ( he pulls out a folded up black garbage bag with a pipe in it)
Me "nice to meet you, bye"
I really hate stupid people; the people who do drugs are the worst. What a waist of your life. The sad thing is he lives directly next door, and makes a lot of unnecessary noises. I guess that's apartment living for you.
         I'm going to go, but I will be writing more very soon. Got to go do my hair before Anthro. Yay.
Have a wonderful day everybody. Make it the best you can.

-Kourtnie the head tranny

P.S If my grammar sucks, I'm sorry. I tried my best.

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